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Features List
Enable - Turns all ESP Features ON/OFF
Skeleton - Player bones only within 100m
Distance - Enemy distance, can change from 100-500M via Slider
Snaplines - Line from You to the enemy
Eye - Little red dot, showing what player your a1mb0t will Target inside Your field of view
Name - Enemy Player User Names
Box - 2d,filled, corner, or 3D BOX
HealthBar - Enemy Hit points
Weapon - Players equipped Weapon
Warning - text on screen that shows how many players within 50M are near you, Also uses snaplines to show you.
Controller - aim with Left Trigger on controller to activate inside of key buttons
Enable - Turns all Features ON/OFF
No recoil - Removes Recoil, this is the best no recoil you will ever use, and do not need to use aimbot for it to work.
Visible - If On, Will only Lock onto Enemy that is not behind wall
Smooth - Lower, the snappier. Higher the More Realistic, Having Smooth OFF will be instant SNAP
FOV - Field of view for the aim, will only lock onto Enemy inside your FOV, Drawing FOV shows The circle on your screen. no spectators can not see it..
Active UAV - All enemies show on your UAV all the time
Radar - traditional radar with barrel direction
Day Key - €10
Week Key - €25
Month Key €45